Advertising terms and conditions

  1. Our agreement
1.1 As an advertiser of The Hangklip-Kleinmond Book these terms and conditions form the basis of our agreement. 1.2 For the purposes of this agreement the person / company responsible for paying the invoice will be referred to as ‘the Advertiser’.  Ronel Theron t/a Villageprint and The Hangklip-Kleinmond Book will be referred to as ‘the Publisher’.
  1. Advertising Booking and Payment Policy
2.1 The advertiser will book/reserve advertising space by submitting the advertising booking form.  Telephonic bookings will not be accepted. 2.2 Once the booking form is received the publisher will provide the advertiser with an invoice. 2.3 The advertiser is required to pay a non-refundable deposit of 20% within 3 working days of receiving the invoice to secure advertising space. 2.4 This agreement is not a credit agreement and the invoice for advertising is payable in full by 31 October 2021.  If the invoice is not paid in full by 31 October 2021, the advertiser agrees to pay the publisher: 1) interest on the balance due until the date of payment received at 2% per month or part thereof; 2) R100.00 per month or part thereof that the payment was overdue to cover bookkeeping and administrative costs consequently incurred; c) legal fees and expenses incurred by the publisher in order to receive payment.
  1. Cancellation Policy
3.1   Bookings for premium advertising positions including the inside front, inside back or outside back covers as well as prominent pages in front of the business index section cannot be cancelled at any date. 3.2  An advertisement order may be cancelled without further liability by no later than 30 September 2021 with full understanding that the 20% deposit will be retained by the publisher as a result of book layout reformatting and labour incurred. 3.3 Advertisements booked after 30 September 2021 cannot be cancelled.  The publisher reserves the right to demand full payment for advertisements cancelled after 30 September 2021 regardless of the date of booking.
  1. Acceptance of Advertisement
3.1 The advertising copy or artwork should reach the publisher by the production deadline date of 31 October 2021.  If the artwork / advertising copy is not received by this date, the publisher may (in its absolute discretion) treat the advertiser as having cancelled. If the publisher publishes the advertisement (notwithstanding the late supply of the artwork by the advertiser) no promise or assurance is given that proofs will be supplied or corrections made. 3.2 It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure that the advertisement copy is correct. If the advertising copy supplied is a complete advert, the publisher will assume that the advertiser’s artwork is approved by the advertiser and will not send proofs unless specifically requested. If the publisher designs the advert a proof will be supplied to the advertiser via e-mail (unless the advertiser does not have e-mail access in which event the proof will be hand delivered). 3.3 A proof sent via e-mail by the publisher to the advertiser will be deemed approved if there has been no response from the advertiser within 5 days of receipt of the proof. 3.4 The publisher will make every attempt to notify the advertiser of errors in advertising copy, size, colour or general specifications.  Advertisements submitted in colour for which black & white was ordered will be gray-scaled by the publisher. Advertisers, who submit a black & white advertisement for a booking which consists of colour advertising, will result in the advertiser paying for such space as booked and invoiced. 3.5 The publisher will take every precaution to ensure the correct printing and insertion of all advertisements and listing details, but will not be held liable for any inaccuracies or omissions or for any consequence arising from human error. 3.6 The advertisement must be delivered to the publisher by email or hard copy in jpeg or PDF format in at least the actual size and at least 72dpi for black & white or 300dpi for colour. In the event of the Publisher designing the advert artwork should include special font files if required and general artwork/photos must be supplied as PDF, jpeg or Word.  If specific colours are requested the advertiser will supply the CMYK code. 3.7 The publisher has the right to insert the advert anywhere in the book at its discretion, and orders or copy instructions involving the placement of advertising (such as page location, competitive separation or placement facing editorial copy) will be treated as a positioning request only and cannot be guaranteed. 3.8 All premium advertising locations are subject to the right of renewal by the previous year’s advertiser.  The current placeholder of the advert space will be notified once bookings are open and will confirm their renewal  of booking the same prominent space within 3 working days of notification by making a 20% non-refundable deposit payment.  Should the previous year’s advertiser elect not to advertise in the premium location within 3 days of notification, then the publisher will consider this location available to all other advertisers at a first-come-first-served basis.
  1. Intellectual property and warranties
4.1 The advertiser warrants that he owns or has the right to use any logo, trade mark, copyright or other intellectual property contained in the content supplied for use in the advertisement. 4.2 As the advertiser, you acknowledge that you are fully responsible for the content of any advertisement that you provide for publication and you warrant that you have taken care in reviewing such content to ensure that it is compliant with all common law, consumer legislation and community standards applicable in South Africa.  If you are under any doubt in this respect you agree that you will consult with the publisher first. At all times the publisher reserves the right to refuse the publication of any content at its sole discretion. 4.3 in respect of any advertisement submitted which contains the name or pictorial representation (photographic or otherwise) of any person and / or any part of any person and / or copy by which any person is or can be identified, the advertiser has obtained the authority of such person to make use of their name, representation and / or copy.